Panner Pro

So, I was looking around the internet for a program that would pan audio in multiple speaker configurations. I couldn't find any, however, so I decided to write my own. This program was written in C++ for my Electronic and Computer Music 3 class. Since it was written for my lab, there are some things that may seem peculiar to you. For instance, the speaker naming conventions. They are numbered from 1 to 8, starting with the speaker in the upper right corner and continuing counter-clockwise.

Things to do

This is version 0.9. Why, you might ask, is it version 0.9 if it works and compiles perfectly and everything? Well, it's because I haven't bothered to tidy up the code yet. I need to go through and doc some stuff. I also need to put in the liscense disclaimer in all the files (ugh). So, here's my forcast for future versions...

0.9    The current release. It's finished code-wise, but not ready for a full release.

1.0    The next release. No projected date. It'll be done whenever I have time and this comes to the top of my prioritie list. That could be a while.

1.1    For this release, I will implement interpolation between points along the pan path. It's going to be linear. Maybe I should have done that when I wrote the program, but I didn't. However, the more I think about it, the better I think it would be to have that in there. It'll make a drastic spike in how much time the program takes to execute, so be forewarned...

At the moment, I don't plan to support any other file formats than just standard WAV files. If someone else would like to add some other file format support, let me know. Feel free to e-mail me at CubsKing99 at


Here is a picture of how the screen looks on my computer.


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